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What is MAPS?

Muscular Adaptation Programming System. At the end of the day ADAPTATION is what we are after when we embark on a new fitness program. Adaptation is muscle growth, fat loss, greater mobility, athleticism, and ultimately better health and improved aesthetics.

The MAPS approach makes adaptation the sole focus of the programming. Each MAPS program is specifically designed for target forms of adaptation rather than simply working out hard or long. If an exercise or workout doesn't target adaptation then it doesn't appear in MAPS.

MAPS programs are typically phased into mini cycles where you work towards subsets of major goals where each phase is directing you towards the ultimate goal.

Most other fitness programs use intensity as their sole method of getting your body to adapt and change. Harder is better in these programs and, although some of them cause initial change, most people end up sore with little progress past the first few weeks. Although intensity is a powerful tool it's just that, a tool. It should be used judiciously along side other tools like frequency of training, total volume, exercise selection and even intent.

MAPS programs are expertly programmed by three of the industry's top trainers with a combined experience of over 55 years to be the most effective programs on the market. When you follow a MAPS program you can expect faster results with less work. More muscle, faster fat loss and long term perpetual progress...that's the MAPS way.

testimonials of MAPS users
MAPS Program Overview
MAPS Fitness Programs

 We have a MAPS program for every type of person. Whether you are brand new to weightlifting, or advanced, there is a program designed to help you reach your goals. When you follow a MAPS online training program you can expect faster results with less work.

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MAPS Fitness Bundles

Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a fitness addict, there is a bundle for you. Our bundles combine multiple MAPS programs together to use together or in succession. Our bundled options will save you up to 40%.

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MAPS MODS are workout programs designed specifically for individual “hard to develop” body parts. Each MOD comes with a full workout including exercises, sets, reps and phases for the body part you choose.

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