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Mind Pump Host

For every box, there’s a creative mind thinking just outside of it. But if you want to find Justin Andrews, you’ll have to search the perimeter 500 miles in every direction.

Justin’s adventurously creative intellect has shaped his fitness career into an amorphous success that the industry has never seen before. Sparked by a passion for sports and fitness, and inspired by figures like Bo Jackson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Justin became a highly sought after trainer for his unique ability to combine exercise science with psychology and behavior – leading to over a decade of successful client transformations.

At Mind Pump, he’s best known for his signature laugh, creating conspiracy theories to conspiracy theories, and headbanging to heavy metal songs not even Shazam has heard of. While physically the three hosts are sitting side by side, in a way, Justin is floating somewhere above, below, and all the fuck around – acting as the podcast’s portal to “outside the box.” 


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