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Fat Loss, Resistance Training, Postpartum

Resistance Training During Pregnancy?

By Darisse Kennedy on Oct 19, 2020 2:05:00 PM
4 Minutes Reading Time


Pregnancy causes your body to change quickly and dramatically. Despite the changes that are happening, your body still needs many of the same things it needed pre-pregnancy. A healthy diet and regular exercise are two things your body needs whether you are pregnant or not. In fact, you may be able to continue with your resistance training program even during pregnancy.

Exercising throughout pregnancy is beneficial

Exercising throughout your pregnancy is beneficial for a number of reasons. Being active while pregnant can help reduce the likelihood of you experiencing pregnancy complications and minimize some of the discomfort related to pregnancy. Maintaining your fitness throughout your pregnancy can also help you during the birthing process. If you continue strength training and moving regularly during your pregnancy, you will benefit from the increased endurance and energy that are side effects of working out when it comes time to give birth. Exercising throughout your pregnancy can also help you get back to your pre-pregnancy fitness level more quickly after you have the baby. Jumping back into a workout routine will be much more difficult if you decide to take a nine-month break from exercising. If you were already following a resistance training program before pregnancy it is likely that your doctor will allow you to continue with your current program. As your body changes, you may have to make some modifications but resistance training is still a great option for exercise during pregnancy.

Resistance training can be done safely throughout pregnancy

Resistance training is a great option during pregnancy. There are many exercises that can be done safely throughout your pregnancy. And, building muscle can help increase your metabolism, set you up to get back into shape after baby, and generally increase your strength. A basic definition of resistance training is any exercise that puts extra pressure on your muscles. Lifting something or pushing something are both elements of resistance training. Dumbbell curls, squat, shoulder press, bench press, and deadlift are all common exercises that fall into the category of resistance training. While pregnant, you can do resistance training safely with some modifications as your body changes. A hormone called relaxin will increase in your body during pregnancy and loosen up your muscles and ligaments. As you continue with a resistance training program during pregnancy, put extra focus on your stability during various moves. For example, if you notice that you have less stability in your hips then modify your squats. You can move to a leg press machine to work your legs and glutes while getting the extra stability support you need. The key to safe resistance training during pregnancy is to listen to your body and your doctor. If you are uncomfortable with a particular exercise, look for a modification. The good news is that there are various ways to workout every muscle group.

Resistance training during pregnancy can provide you with a long list of benefits before and after you give birth. Your health and that of your child are the primary factors you need to consider when thinking about an exercise program to follow during pregnancy. Moving regularly throughout your pregnancy is essential to your overall wellbeing and the health of your baby. Taking good care of your own health is a way to care for your baby as well. With your doctor’s blessing and an occasional modification, it is possible to follow a resistance training program throughout pregnancy.

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Darisse Kennedy

Darisse is a writer and educator who received her formal education in psychology and mental health counseling. Growing up, she was more of a bookworm than a gym rat, but she discovered strength training in adulthood. She learned the true value of strength training as she fought to lose the extra forty pounds that remained after having three kids. In the process, she discovered the significant impact that working out regularly had on her mood, mindset, and energy levels. Experiencing the benefits of exercise firsthand sparked her interest in the connection between movement and mental well-being – particularly in relation to women.

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