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Fat Loss, Postpartum

Getting Your Flat Tummy Back After Having a Baby

By Darisse Kennedy on Dec 15, 2020 1:00:00 PM
4 Minutes Reading Time


It is quite amazing what your body did through the pregnancy and childbirth process. Before your belly started growing at the beginning of your pregnancy it was probably difficult to imagine what you would look like and how it would feel. During your pregnancy, there were likely times when it felt like you were going to be pregnant forever. Now that you are finished with your pregnancy and the process of childbirth, you may feel like getting your flat tummy back is an impossible dream. It is always difficult to see past our current situation but it is a process that is necessary if you want to make progress. The idea of a flat tummy may be difficult to imagine right after having a baby, but it is possible to get back to your pre-pregnancy fitness level.

Prioritize your overall wellbeing

The first step in getting your flat tummy back after having a baby is to make your wellbeing a priority. This means that you must take time to focus on yourself and your health. You will not get your flat tummy back if you are eating a bunch of crap because it is quick and easy. You will not get your flat tummy back if you cannot find any time during the day to fit in intentional movement. In order to reach your goals for fitness, you must find a way to prioritize your overall wellbeing. When you have a newborn, this means that you will need to use time-saving hacks and recruit some help. For example, you can order your groceries online so you have time to plan and think without the temptation of easy but unhealthy options on the store shelves. Another option is to use a meal kit delivery service so you have the ingredients for healthy meals portioned out and ready to go. Finding time to work out can prove challenging with a newborn. One option is to choose a workout program that you can complete at home and fit in around your baby’s nap schedule. It may take a little creativity to find the time to prioritize yourself when you have a new baby. However, if you really want to get your flat tummy back and keep moving toward other fitness goals, you must find a way to make your wellness a priority.

Choose a fitness plan that aligns with your goals

Finding a fitness plan that aligns with your goals is an important part of the process. The best way to improve the look of your tummy is to improve your overall fitness. The process of getting your flat tummy back after having a baby is also going to help you get in better shape overall. Moves like barbell squat, deadlifts, and rows do not directly target your abs but they can all improve the strength of your core. Approaching your workouts with the fitness of your whole body as a priority will ultimately provide you with the results you want for your tummy.

There is a way to get back to your pre-pregnancy fitness level but it may take some time. Start by finding or making space in your schedule to focus on your overall wellbeing. When you have that space, you can decide on an eating plan and find a workout program that aligns with your goals. If you are ready to get started, take a look at the Fit Mom Bundle from MAPS Fitness. The bundle includes workout plans that you can do at home along with a comprehensive nutrition guide to help you in the process of getting your flat tummy back after having a baby.

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Darisse Kennedy

Darisse is a writer and educator who received her formal education in psychology and mental health counseling. Growing up, she was more of a bookworm than a gym rat, but she discovered strength training in adulthood. She learned the true value of strength training as she fought to lose the extra forty pounds that remained after having three kids. In the process, she discovered the significant impact that working out regularly had on her mood, mindset, and energy levels. Experiencing the benefits of exercise firsthand sparked her interest in the connection between movement and mental well-being – particularly in relation to women.

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