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Fat Loss

3 Easy-To-Implement Weight Loss Hacks For Women

By Shannon Cole on Jun 7, 2023 11:30:00 AM
5 Minutes Reading Time


Ladies, I know how hard it is to lose weight, AND keep it off. We follow the latest diet trends, work out almost every day, and the pounds just refuse to let go.

It’s definitely frustrating, but more than likely, there are little things we can add to our routine that can inch you closer to your ideal body weight. I know–you’re probably thinking, “Please, don’t add more things to my list.” The last thing I want to do is offer weight loss advice that is unrealistic and causes more stress. 

So, here are three, simple weight loss hacks you should be doing, right now.

Recognize the mental barriers that could be getting in your way. Studies consistently show that those who have a positive attitude toward weight loss and healthy habits are more successful at losing weight. It makes sense–the more we stress about something (and that could be anything), the more likely we are to overindulge or stress-eat. Have you ever stressed about having a certain “bad” food in your house, only to overeat it later? Don’t worry, I have too.

I’m not going to tell you to stop stressing about food and exercise, because if it were that easy, everyone would do it. But there are some ideas and practices you can consider that can help you understand yourself, your habits, and motivations.            

-Fogg Behavioral Model. This model asserts that desirable behaviors are achieved when 1) you are sufficiently motivated 2) have the ability to execute the behavior and 3) are appropriately triggered to execute the behavior. Take a moment to write down what TRULY motivates you to lose weight. Is fitting into size 2 jeans really a priority, or more so to feel comfortable in your skin? Think about the steps you can easily implement to get there, and actions you can take to execute on those behaviors. If the only time you can work out is in the morning, but you are NOT a morning person, set as many alarms as you need to get up. Set yourself up for success.

-Reward Yourself. For each day, or week, you execute on all positive behaviors, reward yourself with something that is not food-related. Rewards have a huge influence on how we experience positive emotions, and will continue to help you accomplish the mini goals you’ve set for yourself throughout the week.

-Think of Positive Motivators. On days that you’re not feeling it, think of your “why.” Throw away the negative self-talk, and reassure yourself that you’re doing your best.

Eat More Veggies. Yes, we all know this, but just adding larger portions of nutrient-rich vegetables to your plate will bring the calories down, while offering tons of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Starchy foods are much less nutrient-dense, and they tend to be higher in calories. For example, if you’re making a stir-fry, add double the vegetables you normally make it with, while reducing the rice portion by half. Even better, start using cauliflower rice; it is an excellent side option, and a much lower-calorie alternative to rice. 

Eating more vegetables also offers additional fiber to your diet. People seem to forget about the power of fiber, but it really does do wonders for the body, and your waistline. Not only does fiber help you feel fuller (which means you’ll likely eat less), but it also slows down your digestion, along with the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. Lower blood sugar levels means lower insulin levels, and therefore less likely to store body fat.

If your grocery bill seems a little high, frozen, and even canned options, can be used. There should be no excuse to get your veggies in. 

Always Have a Water Bottle Handy. Whether you are running errands, at work, or going to the gym, always have a water bottle with you. Most of us are chronically dehydrated, with some studies reporting as much as 75% of U.S. adults are under-hydrated. Drinking water throughout the way can help suppress your appetite, boost your metabolism, curb cravings, and provide more physical and mental energy.

During those days when you’re feeling sluggish and can’t focus, try drinking water first instead of reaching for a snack. You may just be dehydrated. And if you wait to feel thirsty before drinking water, you’re way behind on your water consumption. You should never get to the point when you feel thirsty; drinking water throughout the day should be a normal habit, and not something you guzzle at the end of the day when you realize just how parched you are.  

These three hacks don’t take a lot of effort, but they can certainly go a long way in your weight-loss journey.

How to Lose Fat in 3 Steps | Mind Pump         

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Shannon Cole

Shannon Cole is an ISSA certified personal trainer and lives in the Dallas area. She is a certified nutrition coach through NASM and NCI, and is currently pursuing her M.S. in Sports Science and Rehabilitation. After obtaining her B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication she eventually gravitated to personal training, and hasn't turned back since. Her passion for athletics and fitness initially stemmed from her high school years playing golf, and her love for the sport still hasn't faded; her career goal is to obtain her Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) certification and develop strength and conditioning programs for golfers. You can usually find her working out in her garage gym, or training for the next Spartan Race with her husband.

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