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What Type of Diet is Best for Women’s Weight Loss?

By Darisse Kennedy on Oct 13, 2021 9:00:00 AM
6 Minutes Reading Time


Weight loss is a common goal for women who embark on a fitness journey. Having a child can come with a period of quick weight gain and leave you will several extra pounds to lose after the baby is born. Age, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress are other factors that can cause the weight to creep up for women. No matter what caused you to gain excess weight, the goal is to get it off. For women, the key elements of losing weight involve following a well-designed resistance training program and finding the right eating plan. MAPS Fitness offers a number of customized training programs that are designed for the unique needs of women. If you are a mom, check out the Fit Mom Bundle. If you are over 40, take a look at what the Fabulous 40’s Bundle has to offer. If you are ready to zone in on the aesthetics of your physique, explore bundles such as the Bikini Bundle, Build Your BUTT Bundle, or the Sexy Athlete Bundle. You have plenty of options if you are looking for a resistance training program that will provide results. The next question to answer is, what should I eat? There is no denying the fact that diet is an essential element to any weight loss plan. However, the information available on the topic is often overwhelming, confusing, and sometimes completely wrong. The best diet for women’s weight loss is about finding what works best for your body. There is not one answer that is best for every person. There are, however, some basic elements that should be part of any eating plan you choose.

Cut out the processed foods

Highly processed foods have no place in your life if you are trying to lose weight and get healthy. Processed foods are highly palatable which means that it is extremely easy to eat them. You are much more likely to overeat processed foods than you are to overeat natural foods. In addition, processed foods are typically high in calories, carbs, and unhealthy fats. The shelf life, packaging, and widespread availability of processed foods makes them easy to grab on the go. It can feel like grabbing processed foods is the only way to eat and keep up with the fast pace of modern life. You will never get the physique you want if you continue to eat a diet high in processed food. The first step in losing weight through diet – whether you are a woman or a man – is to cut out the processed foods.

Choose foods that fuel your body

Food is fuel for your body and the fuel you use is important. When you start to look at food as fuel you provide your body – instead of as something you need to restrict – it can help you find an eating plan that works for you. If you are following a high-quality resistance training program, your body needs a certain combination of fuel to perform at the top level. The right mix of protein, carbs, and fats will give you the fuel you need for your workout, help you stay satiated throughout the day, and make it possible for you to reach your weight loss and fitness goals.

There is not a one-size-fits-all diet option that will work best for each woman. Cutting out processed foods and looking at food as fuel are two important steps to take no matter what diet plan you ultimately choose. You can dive deeper into the different eating plans by exploring the Intuitive Nutrition Guide created by the experts at MAPS Fitness. This guide will help you determine which eating plan will work with your lifestyle and help you reach your weight loss goals.

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Darisse Kennedy

Darisse is a writer and educator who received her formal education in psychology and mental health counseling. Growing up, she was more of a bookworm than a gym rat, but she discovered strength training in adulthood. She learned the true value of strength training as she fought to lose the extra forty pounds that remained after having three kids. In the process, she discovered the significant impact that working out regularly had on her mood, mindset, and energy levels. Experiencing the benefits of exercise firsthand sparked her interest in the connection between movement and mental well-being – particularly in relation to women.

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