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Total Body Workout in Only 15 Minutes

By Shannon Cole on Apr 8, 2024 9:00:00 AM
4 Minutes Reading Time

It’s way too common how often workouts get put on the back burner, and little things take the place of that precious time meant for lifting weights and getting in a good pump.

Instead of giving up and skipping workouts altogether, it is actually worth it to get in some type of movement, even if it is only for 15 minutes. Though it is only a quarter of the time people are accustomed to when doing their workouts, it can actually be very beneficial for improving movement patterns and maintaining some semblance of a workout schedule.

You may automatically gravitate toward HIIT workouts, which, in some cases, are totally acceptable for a 15-minute workout. In fact, when I’m short on time, HIIT is sometimes my go-to. HIIT isn’t meant to last a long time; exceeding 30-minutes for a HIIT routine is too long. So, if you’re short on time, a HIIT workout that has you performing intervals could be ideal.

However, just be mindful and aware of what you are capable of accomplishing. If you do not know how to squat with good form, performing squat jumps is probably not the best thing to do for your body. You may feel like you’re getting in an effective workout, but over time, you’ll start to experience aches, pains, and possibly injuries, that just won’t go away.

Here are some other ideas to keep in mind with only 15 minutes to spare for your workout:

Master Movements

When I’m short on time, I take one movement I’ve wanted to improve on and just dial in on that.

If squats have been your thing lately, squat for 15 minutes (with appropriate rest times, of course).

This time isn’t necessarily used to burn a ton of calories, it’s more so designed to improve on movement mechanics or perform exercises you don’t get to during your other workouts. For example, if you seem to struggle with hip hinging during a deadlift, that could be your area of focus during your quick workout. Or, if you usually neglect pull-ups on upper body day, that could be a good time to knock some pull-ups out.

It’ll be time well spent!

Improve Mobility

Sometimes, I resort to mobility work, and I never regret it. Mobility is something we take for granted, and when we lose it, we most definitely feel the difference. More often than not, we all need to improve on mobility in some fashion, whether that may be for our hips, shoulders, back, etc.

Improved mobility can also help you lift with greater efficiency, and reduce your risk of injury. If you’re not sure what area of the body you need to focus on, I’d suggest checking out MAPS Prime Pro.

Sample Total Body Workout

Complete 3 to 4 cycles. For the first set, do 10 to 15 reps of each exercise. Then for the following sets, go to failure. Going to failure is completing as many reps as possible until you can’t do anymore reps with good form.



-Dumbbell Bent Over Rows/Resistance Band Rows - Use a light to medium resistance

-Front Loaded Dumbbell/Resistance Band Squats - Use a light to medium resistance

-Split-Stance Dumbbell/Resistance Band Squats - Use a light to medium resistance

-Plank - Go for time on all 3 to 4 sets

For a true, comprehensive program when those 15-minute workouts are becoming more consistent, give MAPS 15 Minutes a try–you’ll be glad you did! All you’ll need is a suspension trainer and a set of adjustable dumbbells! 

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Shannon Cole

Shannon Cole is an ISSA certified personal trainer and lives in the Dallas area. She is a certified nutrition coach through NASM and NCI, and is currently pursuing her M.S. in Sports Science and Rehabilitation. After obtaining her B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication she eventually gravitated to personal training, and hasn't turned back since. Her passion for athletics and fitness initially stemmed from her high school years playing golf, and her love for the sport still hasn't faded; her career goal is to obtain her Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) certification and develop strength and conditioning programs for golfers. You can usually find her working out in her garage gym, or training for the next Spartan Race with her husband.

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