If you’re looking to grow some size on your biceps, we can focus on a more targeted approach followed with consistent training. There are several strategies we can use for this.
The Exercises
Barbell Curls - this is great for overall development. Using proper form helps build strength and size.
Hammer Curls - The hammer curl will help target a different part of the biceps. This muscle is called the brachialis, which sits beneath the biceps and gives overall thickness. Some people will sometimes see that little ball popping out of the side when it's fully developed. It can also help bring up the brachioradialis which contributes to forearm and elbow health.
Reverse Curls - This will also help bring up the brachialis and give overall shape to the biceps
Incline Curls - Using this variation of a curl gives more emphasis on the stretch part of the bicep. There is some research supporting stretch mediated hypertrophy and this is a good exercise to use for the biceps.
Chin-Ups - This works the back but actually gives a decent amount of stimulus to the biceps. Make sure to squeeze at the top to get more out of the biceps.
Ways to Optimize Training
Angles and Position
We want to maximize stimulating the biceps from all angles. The different angles that can be challenged are the stretch, the mid-range, and the peak contraction. Think of it as performing exercises in front of the body, next to the body, and behind the body.
When you hold the top position of a bicep movement, you are building isometric tension. This can be a great tool for promoting muscle hypertrophy.
Focusing on the eccentric component of the lift, can lead to better muscle growth as well. That is, slowing the weight down to where it takes you 3-4 seconds to lower the weight from a curl. This allows for time under tension which sends a strong signal for muscle growth.
Compound Movements
While compound movements don’t directly hit the bicep, they allow you to move more weight which will still hit the biceps as a secondary movement. It’ll still recruit the biceps and provide overall strength.
If you are trying to grow your biceps specifically, you’ll want to incorporate hitting them 2-3 times a week. These can each be different rep ranges that allow for better recovery, and for you to stimulate your muscles through a variety of rep ranges and intensity for maximal stimulation.
Of course, if you are trying to grow any muscle, make sure you are in a surplus of calories. Make sure you are eating 1 gram of protein per pound of muscle to provide enough nutrients to fuel muscle growth. Your volume is going to be higher for biceps than normal, so we want to make sure we are providing enough resources to repair properly. Ensure you are getting enough sleep, and focusing on stretching as needed.