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Hardgainers, General Health

Can Genetics Cause You to be Skinny?

By Darren Nuzzo on Dec 18, 2024 9:00:00 AM
4 Minutes Reading Time

For every person built to be a seasonal Mall Santa there’s someone on the other end of the spectrum holding their skinny jeans up with a shoelace. It’s understood that people come in all shapes and sizes. But how much of that is predetermined by our DNA and how much of it is within our control?

If you grew up with the nickname Skinny Bones Jones despite a diet of Dino Nuggets and bottomless chocolate milk, you know that genetics can have a big influence on your body weight… but they aren’t the whole picture.

Research suggests that genetics might account for a 10 to 20-pound difference in weight when height and other factors are controlled. In simpler terms, some people may naturally hover around a leaner weight range due to their DNA, but it’s not the be-all and end-all.

Think of genetics as a framework. They might set a rough blueprint for your build — whether you’re more likely to be stocky, lean, or somewhere in between. However, within that framework, your environment, diet, and activity levels determine how those genetic predispositions play out.

The Bigger Picture: Lifestyle and Environment

Even if your genetics give you a naturally skinny frame, your lifestyle choices significantly influence your overall health and fitness. Diet and exercise have the power to override a lot of what might be written in your genetic code.

For instance:

  • Diet: Someone genetically predisposed to being lean could gain weight if their diet consists of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. Conversely, a person with a genetic tendency to gain weight can maintain a healthy body composition with proper nutrition.

  • Exercise: Physical activity levels also shape how your body looks and performs. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to muscle loss and poor health, even for someone with “skinny genes.”

The takeaway? While genetics provide the starting point, lifestyle determines where you end up.

Genetics as a Range, Not a Limit

Here’s where it gets interesting: genetics don’t lock you into one specific body type. Instead, they provide a range within which you can fall. Think of it like a thermostat — your genetics set the minimum and maximum temperature, but your lifestyle choices decide where the needle lands.

For example, someone genetically predisposed to being lean might fall anywhere from moderately slim to very skinny depending on their activity level, caloric intake, and other habits. Similarly, someone with a propensity to gain weight can still fall on the leaner side of their range by making consistent, healthy choices.

Can You “Outsmart” Your Genes?

While you can’t change your DNA, you can certainly work with it. Tailoring your lifestyle to your genetic predispositions can help you achieve your goals, whether that’s gaining muscle, losing fat, or simply maintaining your health.

Tips for Working with Your Genetics:

  • Understand Your Baseline: Pay attention to how your body responds to different foods, exercise routines, and recovery times. If you’re naturally skinny, you may need to prioritize strength training and eat in a calorie surplus to build muscle.

  • Focus on Strength Over Size: Even if gaining weight is a challenge, improving your strength and fitness can have profound benefits for your health and performance.

  • Prioritize Recovery: Your genetics may influence how quickly you recover from workouts. Adjust your training volume and intensity accordingly.

  • Adapt Your Diet: Hardgainers or naturally slim individuals might need to eat more frequently and choose calorie-dense, nutrient-rich foods to support their goals.

Health Over Aesthetic

It’s easy to focus solely on the numbers on the scale or how “skinny” someone looks, but health is about much more than appearance. A naturally lean person can still have poor health markers if their lifestyle includes little exercise and a diet high in processed foods.

On the flip side, someone who struggles with weight gain or muscle building can still achieve excellent health through proper training, nutrition, and sleep. The goal should always be to work toward a balanced, sustainable routine that supports your overall well-being, not just your reflection in the mirror.

The Bottom Line

Genetics can make it easier or harder to maintain a certain body type, but they’re far from the final word. While you might have a genetic tendency to be slim, your environment and habits play a massive role in determining how that manifests.

So, can genetics cause you to be skinny? Yes — but only to a point. Your lifestyle is the ultimate deciding factor, so focus on what you can control: eat well, move often, and prioritize your health. The rest will take care of itself.

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Darren Nuzzo

Darren Nuzzo is a writer and performer from Huntington Beach, California. When he’s not authoring works of literary fiction or bombing at open mics, he returns to his roots of health and wellness, teaming up with Mind Pump to bring a new voice to the fitness industry.

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