Mind Pump Private Facebook Forum

Do you want more personalized help with MAPS Fitness Products or any of your other health and fitness questions from Sal, Adam, Justin, Doug and dozens of experienced MAPS users and trainers?

As thousands of other MAPS owners can attest, the Mind Pump Private Facebook Forum is AWESOME! Lots of friendly people that are always willing to help. Sal, Adam, Justin or Doug coming on multiple times every day to answer questions.

Click the PURCHASE OFFER button and get started now!

NOTE: This is hosted by Facebook outside of the mindpumpmedia.com platform. You WILL NEED an active Facebook account to participate. Access is NOT instantaneous. You must request access once you have paid and you must be manually added which can take up to 24 hours.

SPECIAL NOTE: If your Facebook name is different than the name you purchased under please send both to [email protected], otherwise access will be delayed.

By becoming a member of the Mind Pump Private Facebook Forum please follow the simple rules posted on the Facebook page (esentially be nice and don't pitch products).

Hope to see you there!


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